Tips for Removing Keloids Medically and naturally

The Cause Of Keloid

Keloids are not dangerous disease which need help doctors to treat or cure this disease. Problems that arise due to Keloids leaning more towards in terms of appearance, therefore many people searching for how to remove Keloids with the help of surgery.

The incidence of excess scar on the surface of the skin (Keloids) can be caused by several factorswhich you can see and know, such as:
-Acne breaks out which left the former
-Smallpox scars scars
-Hole in ear piercings
-Injuries due to sharp objects scraped
-Wound surgery (surgery)
-Injection of vaccination to prevent a disease

Other causes raised by the National Center for biotechnology Information, where Keloids are morecommon in someone aged between 10 to 20 years. Keloids are more likely to be influenced by genetic or hereditary factors, so a father or mother who has Keloids more easily make his son suffered asimilar thing when the wound has healed.

The previous reviews are how to remove Keloids with medical help, even though it is effective but it is undeniable that the way removing Keloids naturally also be commensurate with the aspect of medical treatment.

For more details, You can check out on how to remove Keloids naturally here.

1. Pure apple cider vinegar
How to remove Keloids
Pure Apple that has been processed to produce cider you can take advantage of to remove the keloid.This is the traditional method that can be done by yourself at home, a function of pure apple cider vinegar is shrink and eliminate redness in scars stand out.
The following treatment guidelines:
Use a brush for greasing a prominent scar, gently massage then give a few moments of pure apple cider vinegar so that it can be absorbed into the skin. Wait until the Apple Cider to dry out, then repeat this process at least 3 times in a day so that the recovery process faster. If your skin is sensitive to the Apple Cider vinegar, for example causing irritation, immediately switch to another way or You could also dilute Apple Cider by adding a little water on its alloy.

2. Baking Soda
Baking soda is engaged to drive the keloid with a role as Exfoliating and skin polishing.
Usage is as follows: 
How to remove Keloids
Create the smooth paste or cream by combining both the substance of the form one part of the bakinsoda with three parts hydrogen peroxide. Apply the cream or pasta that has been so on keloid area, its function is to reduce inflammation andspeed up the recovery process.You can apply natural methods is three to four times a day, according to the tingka or whether severescars you have.

3. Lemon juice
Lemon juice provides vitamin C and are as antioxidants that can support the health body at oncebeauty skin. Lemon juice is also effective for treating keloids and some kind of other injuries. How the treatment of keloid with lemon juice itself is not difficult:
Make lemon juice water, meaning not too much lemon juice wasstill a little lumpy. Apply lemon juice on the skin areas that Kelo ternodai. Let sit for up to half an hour, then clean with warm water until not sticky. As time goes by the Kelo will disappear in a significant way, you only need to do it consistently.

4. Aloe Vera
In addition to the many benefits to the hair, it turns out that aloe vera can be used to treat Keloids.Here the content of Aloe Vera will help reduce inflammation, keep the skin moist, and heal damaged skin.Just the way you apply as follows:
How to remove Keloids SCAR area is first cleaned using warm water.Paste your Aloe Vera gel on Kelo, then let sit for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water.How to remove Keloids using Aloe Vera is the most simple and natural method does not spend a lot of money much less energy.

5. Honey
How to remove keloidHumectant which has the nature of a restorer is highly recommended byexperts in terms of alternative medicine treat Keloids. No need to bother, simply applying Keloids with honey regularly over the next few weeks will be menyempeskan and keloid scars colour fadesgradually. Not noticeably after already a discussion of how to remove Keloids. Because here there are two methods, namely medically and traditional, you do not need to select which confused. You can select one, and then give it a try, if the results are positive then follow it as vice versa.

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