Foods to avoid Diabetes

Diabetes can be controlled by means of adopting the pattern of life that is healthy and balanced, one of which is by paying attention to diet or diet everyday. It has certainlydone so that blood sugar levels remained normal and prevent the complications due to diabetes, which can develop when the level of glucose in the blood is notcontrolled. For it is important for diabetics to know what foods that should be eaten and also the foods that should be avoided. Foods that contain lots of sugar and fat is betteravoided if you suffer from diabetes, and therefore there is quite a lot of the foods thatyou should avoid, or at least restricted strictly.

The food is best avoided by Diabetics

Not just any sugar, diabetics should pay attention to the intake of carbohydratesconsumed. So it is with the high berkolesterol food, best avoided. Some studies alsorevealed some of the fruits and vegetables that are harmful to diabetics. All of thesetake you on a long list of categories of food should be restricted and avoided bydiabetics.

1. Foods rich in Sugar
The types of foods that contain a lot of sugar is the number one enemy for diabetics.Foods with high sugar levels like white sugar (granulated sugar), ice cream, Donuts,pastries, chocolates, as well as foods with artificial sweeteners, can be very dangerousfor people suffering from diabetes. These foods can cause an increase in blood sugar levels, so it's not surprising if best avoided by diabetics.

If you can't avoid the kind of food-sugar, you can menyiasatinya by creating orchoosing foods with a minimum sugar content. Consult first with your doctorregarding the type of sugary foods you can consume as well as a few suggestions and tips to control it.

2. High Berkolesterol Food

The condition of diabetes cause cholesterol levels either declined, and instead increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. It also results in diabetics is vulnerable with several diseases caused by high cholesterol, especially heart disease because of the high koleseterol levels may develop plaque on artery walls. Therefore some kind of food that is high in berkolesterol such as egg yolks, dairyproducts high in fat, poultry, red meat, shrimp, cheese, etc., should be avoided orrestricted carefully.

3. Fruit Juice

Research shows that drinking a glass of fruit juice on a regular basis each day can increase the risk of diabetes. Especially for diabetics, eat directly suggested more thanpresenting it in the form of juice. Consume the fruit directly will provide fiber or fiber, which is badly needed by the body. While fruit juices contain high carbohydrates.Diabetics may still be an occasional drinkfruit juices, but should be limited and shouldadvance consultation with your physician.

4. Some fruits and vegetables

Although in general the fruits can be said to be healthy, but not all healthy fruits for diabetics. People who have diabetes should avoid this type of fruits containing levels of glucose and sucrose. Fruit such as mangoes and strawberries cause a spike in blood sugar levels in diabetics. So is the case on some kinds of vegetables rich in starchcontent, such as potato and pumpkin, should also be carefully circumscribed. As an alternative, you could replace the sugar-rich fruit with fruit with high fibercontent such as apples, pears, and raspberry. For veggies, you could replace it withcarrot sticks or nuts.

5. Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages tend to be increase in blood sugar levels, and consumption of alcohol in high amounts can be dangerous to diabetics. The condition ofhypoglycemia can also occur if the consume alcohol in an empty stomach. In addition,excess alcohol consumption can impair the function of the liver, which would furthercomplicate the body to control sugar levels in the blood.

6. Fry-Pan

Sufferers of diabetics should limit consumption of fried foods, especially those fried inoil terhidrogenasi, due to its tendency to increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, also loaded will be unhealthy trans fat. If you want to consume fried foods, you can select or create a fried foods that use more oil is harmless, such as olive oil. And it would be better if you prefer the type of food that is healthier and more ideal fordiabetics, that is the kind of food that is baked and boiled or steamed.

In addition to the above list, some types of food should also be restricted if you havediabetes, among other things, sodium-rich foods (e.g. soy sauce), and processed flourfood products (pasta, pizza, etc.). The fast-food type food that many are marketedeverywhere, best avoided altogether, because it is harmful to diabetics.

Although some types of food are very hard to avoid, but diabetics must closely plan and control a healthy diet and appropriate. Don't be discouraged with a list of the number of types of foods that should be avoided, because the list of foods that can beconsumed (and healthier) thus longer again. All of these are aimed at keeping blood sugar condition and the condition of the body in General.

To complement what you just read above, see also: 18 recommended Foods for diabetics.

The most important thing is to follow the advice of eating that has been recommended by your doctor, including the suggestion to run a healthy livingpatterns, such as exercise, control stress, and regular night's sleep.

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